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3rd, 4th and 5th Grade: TASK 23rd to 27th of March

Teacher EVA

Actualizado: 23 mar 2020

Hi! This week you only have one task: record yourselves and send me your productions. You have to tell me about your daily routine: what you are doing these "atypical" days that your are staying at home.

Think that ALL our Erasmus Friends are living the same situation in their countries, so it would be fantastic if you say "Hello to Our Erasmus Friends" and you tell your name and country(Hello, I'm Pepe, from Spain), so these days we can Exchange our productions with them.

Pensad que nuestros amigos Erasmus están TODOS viviendo exactamente la misma situación que nosotros, por lo que si incluís en vuestros vídeos unas palabras para ellos, sería muy bonito poder compartir e intercambiar en estos días vuestras producciones con ellos. Podéis presentaros y decir vuestro nombre y país, además de "Hello to our Erasmus friends", o también podéis añadir cualquier otro comentario que se os ocurra. Mucho ánimo chic@s!

You can send me your videos using different ways:

a) Submit your video to your "google drive" and share with me:

b) Use the app "We Transfer" and share the video with:

c) Upload your video to "youtube" and send me the link:

Now, watch this video and take care!

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